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Практико-обучающий семинар для фермеров области Жетісу

Практико-обучающий семинар для фермеров области Жетісу...
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"ХХІ ғасырдағы Махалля: қайта өрлеу және даму" тақырыбында Дөңгелек үстел ұсыныстары...
Рекомендации круглого стола на тему «Махалля XXI века: возрождение и развитие»

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In the village of Mukanshy on December 19, 2022, training courses were organized for civil servants and young professionals of the Koksu, Kerbulak and Karatal districts

In the village of Mukanshy on December 19, 2022, training courses were organized for civil servants and young professionals of the Koksu, Kerbulak and...
Seminars/trainings were organized in Sarkand city of Zhetysu region for civil servants, young professionals and students of Sarkand, Aksu and Alakol districts on December 22, 2022

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Мission: assistance to the village in solving environmental, economic and social problems, as well as comprehensive support for the residents of the village in the interests of sustainable development


  • creation of a permanent platform to ensure the implementation of sustainable development of the village;
  • achieving full employment of the residents of the village, as well as increasing their income and living standards;

logo Kazakhstan, as a country that has committed itself to the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN program until 2030, has actively begun to work in all areas. However, as foreign experience shows, the world has marked a transition from a common vision of sustainable development of society to the sustainable development of individual territories. In this regard, we believe that special attention should be paid to the aul, where poverty, high migration, and the degradation of natural complexes have become worse with the growing globalization of the world economy. And these accumulated problems of the village should be considered and solved within the framework of the UN Global Agenda for Sustainable Development in each individual territory of the rural district. To solve the problems of rural areas and agriculture in the Zharlyozek rural district of the Koksu district of Almaty region, the local community created the Public Association Center for Sustainable Development «OCHAQ». The purpose of the Center for Sustainable Development «OCHAQ» is: to create a permanent platform for ensuring the implementation of sustainable development in the village in order to solve environmental, economic and social problems, as well as to promote the development of local public self-government and the implementation of initiatives of residents in solving local issues, as well as to assist public, private and public organizations by combining the intellectual, financial and technical efforts of citizens, as well as domestic and foreign partners.

President of the NGO «Center for Sustainable Development Ochaq»,

Doctor of Law, Professor

Moldabaev Sarkytbek Sarsembaevich